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Shoulder Pain from Seatbelt

Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain from a Seatbelt

Shoulder pain from a seatbelt is a common consequence of auto accidents. When you visit us at The Spine Doc in Birmingham, AL, we can provide you with the necessary treatment that can alleviate your discomfort and improve your health. Before you schedule an appointment, learn about how chiropractic care can be beneficial in reducing shoulder pain from seatbelts and helping you heal!


Causes of Shoulder Pain from a Seatbelt 

When an auto accident occurs, the forceful impact can cause the seatbelt to abruptly restrain your body. While this is crucial for your safety, it can result in shoulder pain due to factors such as the following:

  • Soft tissue injuries: The sudden jerking motion can strain the muscles, tendons, and cause misalignments in the shoulder, leading to pain and inflammation.
  • Rotator cuff injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint. These can experience tears or strains due to forceful pressure from the seatbelt.
  • Shoulder dislocation: In some instances, the impact of a seatbelt on the shoulder joint may cause it to dislocate, resulting in severe pain and limited mobility. 

Chiropractic Treatment for Shoulder Pain

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain from a seatbelt injury, chiropractic care is a non-invasive and holistic approach to recovery. Below are some chiropractic treatments for shoulder pain caused by seatbelts:

Spinal Alignment 

Proper spinal alignment is important for optimal shoulder function and pain relief. Our chiropractors specialize in spine alignment, which helps reduce stress on the shoulder joints and alleviate pain. By gently manipulating the spine through chiropractic adjustments, they can restore proper alignment and improve the overall function of the shoulder. 

Soft Tissue Therapy

Our chiropractors use soft tissue techniques such as massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy, to reduce shoulder pain. These therapies target the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the shoulder joint, while alleviating tension, reducing inflammation, and enhancing healing. By applying specific soft tissue therapy techniques, our chiropractors also help improve blood circulation, release muscle knots, and restore flexibility in the shoulder. 

Rehabilitation Exercises

Our chiropractors often develop customized exercise programs to strengthen the shoulder muscles, improve flexibility, and increase range of motion. With targeted exercises and guidance on proper form, we help patients regain strength and restore proper shoulder function. Rehabilitative exercises also help reduce pain and improve the overall health of your shoulders. 

Lifestyle Changes

In addition to specific chiropractic treatments, we may suggest lifestyle changes to manage shoulder pain effectively. This may include advice on proper posture, ergonomics, and exercises and stretches to perform at home. Implementing these changes can reduce pain and prevent future injuries. 

Contact us for Treatment Today

At The Spine Doc in Birmingham, AL, our chiropractors address your shoulder pain and identify the factors that could be causing your discomfort. Once we’ve assessed your condition, we will create a personalized treatment plan to alleviate the pain and improve the function of your shoulder. Contact us today at (205) 951-3330 to schedule your appointment!

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